installing rubinius + puma on EC2 with Amazon Linux
By: Johnathon Wright on: October 24, 2013
I have been struggling to get this to work, so I thought I would start fresh and write down the process in order to avoid making random decisions.
- install rubinius
- install bundler
- install MySQL
- cap deploy:setup
- cap deploy
- puma . # see it work at all
- get puma to run as a service
Install Rubinius
options: * install MRI and then install Rubinius * install Rubinius via rvm, chruby, rbenv, etc.
I use rvm in dev. I honestly don't know the implications of running rubinius / puma via rvm, chruby, etc., and was not able to get any useful information from #rubinius. For now, since I'm comfortable with it, I'm going with rvm.
get puma to run as a service
Gist: 'Puma + Nginx + Capistrano