Capistrano says, "sh: bundle: not found"
By: Johnathon Wright on: May 12, 2011
Typically, you define your path in /etc/environment. Here's a simple example:
That last bit tells the system where Ruby lives. If Ruby isn't in the path, you won't be able to run it or any gem scripts, like bundle.
Unfortunately, neither /etc/environment nor /etc/profile is respected under certain situations, like the way Capistrano works by default.
The solution for me was to edit /etc/bash.bashrc, adding this as the first line:
source /etc/environment
Note: Adding it as the first line allows / encourages it to be overwritten as needed. If you're still having problems, here's one way to get started with troubleshooting:
edit /etc/bash.bashrc to include this
export USES_BASHRC='bashrc'
edit /etc/profile to include this line:
export USES_PROFILE = 'profile'
then see whether either of those environmental variables is around when capistrano connects. From your dev machine, run "cap shell" and you will end up with a "cap>" prompt. type "echo $USESBASHRC && echo $USESPROFILE. Here's what I got:
cap> echo $USESBASHRC && echo $USESPROFILE [establishing connection(s) to] Password: ** [out ::] bashrc
** [out ::]
Thanks to the SliceHost support team for pointing me in the right direction on this one.