Rails says, "Missing pdf-writer" when pdf-writer is unpacked in vendor/gems
By: Johnathon Wright on: September 01, 2010
Issue: "Missing these required gems: pdf-writer = 1.1.8"
config/environment.rb: ---ruby
config.gem "pdf-writer", :lib => "pdf/writer", :version => '1.1.8'
That looks write... what's the issue? Turns out my new server didn't have the required dependencies.
I added this above the config/gem line:
--- ruby
require "#{RAILS_ROOT}/vendor/gems/pdf-writer-1.1.8/lib/pdf/writer.rb"
and saw:
no such file to load -- color
no such file to load -- transaction-simple # after fixing color
the fixes:
gem install color
gem install transaction-simple
remove the require line, and voila!