TDD with .NET - implicit conversions
By: Johnathon Wright on: December 19, 2008
Continuing the "TDD in .NET": series...
namespace EduTest{ [TestFixture] public class NameTests { [Test] public void namecanbeimplicitlyconvertedtostring() { Name mick = new Name(); mick.FirstName = "Mick" mick.LastName = "Jagger" string micksname = mick; Assert.Equals("Mick Jagger", micksname); } } }
This won't compile. It complains that "Cannot implicityly convert from type 'Edu. Name' to 'string'. We can go ahead and call this a failure.
namespace Edu{ public class Name { public static implicit operator string(Name n) { return n.ToString(); } } }
Success. Yeah.